This exercise helps you learn and practice any piano voicing to the point where you can use it fluidly and masterfully to harmonize any song.
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This exercise helps you learn and practice any piano voicing to the point where you can use it fluidly and masterfully to harmonize any song.
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This jazz piano tutorial demonstrates an excellent exercise to help you learn the essential building blocks of how to improvise, how to solo, and how to apply them to chord changes and harmony. The fundamental technique of jazz improv comes down to learning scales and being able to connect them as chords go by. This lesson will show a beginner how to improvise, but the exercise patterns can also be applied to any difficult song for even an intermediate or advanced student or player to practice and learn.
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This improvisation exercise can be applied to any song in order to improve your ear, connect lines, and master chord changes. Instantly download a 30-day jazz standard or blues practice routine here: